Monday, September 16, 2013

Time to Find a New Job: Advice for Moms

It is indeed a challenge for moms to re-enter the job market, especially with all of the time that has been spent outside of the workforce raising their children. With such an absence from employment, a mom will need time, planning skills and focus in order to re-enter the working community. Returning to work can be a battle regardless of the situation and regardless of how strong the job market may be. As it is with any endeavor, you cannot simply start your day by saying you're going to get a new job; you need a plan instead.

Here is my advice for moms. You have acquired some skills along the way so put them to use. Moms are many things already. They are skilled volunteers, counselors and protectors. Moms are the center of the household, meaning they have skills in managing the budget of the home, community volunteer work and serving the school system by participating such things as PTA. Before you jump back into the job market, you need to be serious, organized and have a set of realistic expectations.

With a good understanding of your core set of skills, it's time to move on and figure out the tools you have and the expertise you can offer to bring to your potential future employer. A primary skill requirement in todays job market is a good understanding of word processing and spreadsheet developing software. Have you used any of these programs lately? Knowing how to use the internet and how to email won't cut it. If you need to refresh your memory with regard to basic computer software, try taking a community college course or checking out a reference book from the library.

Once you have the basics figured out, consider your contacts or connections and see if you can find a few that can help you find a job. Take a look at professional social networking sites that provide tools to help you connect with other professionals who work in the line of work you are interested in. With a profile on such a site you'll become more visible, making it easier for people to find and contact you. Oftentimes you'll even find an open job position advertised on these sites.

Be at peace with the gap in your resume. Attitudes toward resume gaps differ between moms and employers: moms worry and employers do not. You don't need to be ashamed that you have a resume gap because you're a mom. Just simply indicate on your resume that you are a mom returning to work. Don't stress over that gap in your resume.

Remember, there is temp work available too. A temp job will provide you with some time to really hone in on your skills and get used to working with them again. It will also provide you with a chance to network, or it might lead to full-time employment. You can find some more advice ideas when you read some of the online Q&A for moms.
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